Contemporary art, Exhibition : Dayoung Jeong : Non-lieux (non-places)

Dayoung Jeong is a South-Korean born, USA raised, Paris based contemporary artist. Trained in traditional french painting and littérature in Séoul, she later enrolled on a visual arts PhD program in Sorbonne university

In each place she ever moved to, she had to reintroduce herself. In order not to build her identity through the judging eye of the beholder, Dayoung briefly slipped away to territories only her could attend - For the most part widely fantasised, accessible only through her virtual screens.

Although Dayoung's inspiration stems from technology, the works she presents are far from immateriality and deeply rooted in craft and technique. Her identity hybridity is translated through the various mediums, techniques she absolutely masters (stained glass, painting, sculpting, …)

Through her exhibition « Non-lieux » (non-places), she takes you to those places that cannot be physically described as such, but where she established refuge when she needed to reflect on her own. 

Photo credits :

© Dayoung Jeong


Contemporary ceramics : KING HOUNDEKPINKOU’S STUDIO