Contemporary ceramics : KING HOUNDEKPINKOU’S STUDIO

King Houndekpinkou  is a Franco-Beninese ceramic artist who lives in Paris. His practice pays homage to the masters he learnt his craft from and  is layered with his many personal eclectic creative influences infusing his vessel shaped heavy coated pieces.

He bonds it all together by moulding « bridges-pieces » embodying the stories seamed together by mixing soils from different continents into one clay body. 

This approach is further developed through a peculiar project : Terres Jumelles (Twin soils). Terres Jumelles aims to retrace Kings path through craft learning and create a network between the practitioners of two historical ceramical territories from which his practice is drawn from :  Benin & Japan.

Photo credits :

© Ilan PARIENTE, piece in the making

© ADAGP, Paris 2020 - KING HOUNDEKPINKOU, studio pictures


Haute couture : Imane Ayissi X Beading workshop, Fondation Jean-Félicien Gacha


Contemporary art, Exhibition : Dayoung Jeong : Non-lieux (non-places)